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Kingdom Stays Neighbors

What can neighbors expect?

Good Question!



over 739 reservations & over 1960 hosted nights later

we can honestly say..
We have had ZERO neighbor complaints!

Neighbors have many legitimate questions about living near a non-traditional accommodation.


We recognize this is a newer way to utilize the property in a neighborhood and community so we make every effort to open these lines of dialogue, discussion, and answer any questions that come up about a short-term rental property.

We seek to be your best neighbor by improving the appeal, safety, and neighborly dynamic more than your average neighbor would.

This is important to our guests and this is important to us.

Decorating easter Eggs
Family Breakfast

Who are Kingdom Stays Guests?

Kingdom Stays guests are responsible families and small groups that would prefer to stay in a quiet, safe neighborhood as opposed to a hotel or motel.

Neighbors: Kindom Stays Guests

"If you continue to have the same type of guests come to this home then there will be no issues at all."
-An adjacent neighbor of a Kingdom Stays Home in Highland, IL

Neighbors: Precautions Taken

Kingdom Stays goes to great lengths to ensure the neighborhood is extra safe and quiet.

  1. Each guest undergoes a complete criminal background check through Checkr, a reputable and comprehensive background check company.

  2. Each guest undergoes a thorough screening process and must include the following before confirming a reservation: Reason for visiting, who else is on the reservation, first and last name, gender, birth date, phone number, email address, picture of government-issued photo ID, address, year, make model, and color of vehicles, license plate number, and payment information.

  3. Each guest additionally undergoes a comprehensive, travelers background check.

  4. Each guest undergoes a thorough verification process before checking in.

  5.  Noise-level monitoring system built within each property.

  6. Smoke-detector alert system built within each property.

  7. Glass-break detector alert system built within each property.

  8. Audio and visual surveillance system installed at each entrance to be monitored at all times.

  9. Each guest confirms to have read, understand, and will abide by the full house rules.

  10. All house rules are formally enforced in real-time 24 hours a day, 7 days a week up to and including immediate cancellation of the reservation.

  11. A Designated "rapid response" individual who lives less than a 5-minute drive away (sometimes on-site) is assigned to each home/property in the rare situation of the need for rapid response.

Neighbors: What have Neighbors said?

What do Kingdom Stays Neighbors say?

Well, here's what Kingdom Stays Neighbors say:

"I can personally say I have had 0 issues with you or any of your guests at any point since purchasing the property right behind mine. No noise issues, no upkeep issues, no party's or anything to complain about and as far as I know the neighbors around me have had no issues as well."
-Joshua T., Kingdom Stays neighbor (adjacent) of home in Fairview Heights, IL

"We have had no issues at all with the short-term rental. Upon looking up the listing, we were happy to see that it had great reviews and looks great on the inside."
-Matt H. & Amanda, Kingdom Stays neighbor (adjacent) of home in Fairview Heights, IL

"It has been really quiet since it has started up. We have had no issues at all as it relates to this property."
-Diane & Dan, a neighbor (adjacent) of a Kingdom Stays Home in Highland, IL

"I can see the home from my front balcony and we have never had any issues there." 
-Sarah, a neighbor of a Kingdom Stays Home

"I've never seen anything wrong with it."
-Vanessa, a neighbor of a Kingdom Stays Home in Highland, IL

"If you continue to have the same type of guests come to this home then there will be no issues at all."
-An neighbor (adjacent) of a Kingdom Stays Home in Highland, IL


"We are pleased with how well Miles takes care of his property! The grass is always trimmed, the yard is very clean and the exterior of the home looks great!

Miles is a great neighbor to have! We have had zero issues/complaints. His guests have been very respectful to the neighborhood too!"
-Jen, a nearby neighbor of a Kingdom Stays Home in Fairview Heights, IL


Kingdom Stays utilizes the Gold Standard
for Guest Screening.

Every Guests is screened with Checkr's criminal background check software to compile national, local, (and many more) records that will automatically stop applicants with questionable backgrounds.

This is in addition to all other internal screening, identification verification, surveillance and house rules enforcement systems in place.

Guest Screening
Neighbors: House Rules

The Kingdom Stays House Rules

In addition to all other precautions:
Each guest must confirm they have read, understand, and will abide by the full house rules:

Enforced 24/7
(house rules can vary slightly by location)

The house rules will be formally enforced and are very important to ensure a great experience
for each and every guest staying with us, so please read them carefully:

➊ The platform chat is the primary method of communication.
➋ It is mandatory to drive slowly whilst driving through our neighborhood. This will be formally enforced via the exterior camera system.
➌ The primary user must have a valid and updated phone number on the platform.
➍ Disclosure: A full background check will be required before confirmation of reservation.
➎ No more than 12 individuals are allowed on or in the property at any given time unless
otherwise communicated. Accurately reporting the number of guests staying the night will be
accounted for with outdoor entranceway cameras. It is required that you promptly
communicate changes in the number of guests staying the night.
➏ No excessive noise allowed: this is defined as disruptive noise that can be heard at the neighbor's property line. The noise level will be monitored by a noise-level alert system.
➐ If there is any issue related to your stay, you are required to communicate this promptly to
Kingdom Stays and allow a representative of Kingdom Stays to come and fix the issue at any
time during the stay.
➑ No more than 4 cars are allowed to be parked in the immediate vicinity, street, and
neighborhood. This is to maintain the character and traffic flow of the neighborhood and will
be formally enforced.
➒ There is a $50 late check-out fee unless otherwise communicated.
➓ Smoking is only allowed in the backyard. Marijuana is not allowed on the premises
under any circumstances due to the close proximity of neighbors. Immediate cancellation of the reservation and a $250 smoking fee assessed for each day of the reservation if smoking of any kind is detected inside or in front of the property whatsoever. This means smoking is NOT allowed in front of the house, front porch, or front yard, This will be monitored by special smoke-monitoring technology installed within the space and outside entranceway cameras.

Kingdom Stays requires an identity verification process upon check-in. This will come in the form of a quick, easy-to-use, online check-in form that can be done straight from your smartphone.
Upon guest registration, you must certify that this is not the permanent residence of anyone staying.

Feel free to reach out to me with any situation you are not sure of or have any questions about.
I am very understanding when it comes to most situations, but do ask.

Not following any combination of these rules can result in being responsible for any costs
associated with the disruption of the following reservations. Violations can result in instant
cancellation of the reservation without a refund.


Neighbor Registration

If you are a Kingdom Stays neighbor and you would like:

  • more information,

  • immediate & direct contact information, or

  • ongoing updates about your neighborhood Kingdom Stays home

Please SMS text message directly: (618) 294-7110 and a representative at Kingdom Stays will get back to you promptly.

To get regular updates about your neighborly Kingdom Stays home, please click the "Continue" button below and complete all steps of the form.

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